California Day 4: Nojoqui Falls --->Olive Garden


Our fourth day in California was more relaxed but certainly not boring. We began the day with a hike to Nojoqui Falls. The area is more inland and comprised of much agriculture. The trail to the falls were wooded, but an easy and pleasurable hike.


Sadly, there had been major landslides that prevented us from going further up the trail to approach the falls directly, but we were still able to see the gorgeous waterfalls.


The falls are unique in that it grows rather than cuts into the rock because of mineral deposits. If you study the waterfall, you can definitely see that


After Nojoqui, we meandered down the road to Purisima Mission. While the visitor’s center was closed for the day, there was still so much to see and all the buildings were open. This mission is much more expansive than the one we went to in Santa Barbara. They had many buildings, gardens, and even animals. We learned all about how they lived their daily lives. They had just about everything they needed right there on the grounds from gardens to wool to even saddles.

Of course, I found the sheep and how they process wool very interesting. These are plants that they would use to card the wool.

Of course, I found the sheep and how they process wool very interesting. These are plants that they would use to card the wool.


After the mission, we wet to Sanford Winery for a tour. The grounds were beautiful and nestled in a valley. We learned all about the vineyard, known for some of the best Pinot Noir in the country, and the grapes they grow. Garrett and I being from an ag world, were much more interested in many of the producing aspects than the general visitors. At one point, G and the guide got on a discussion of genetic cloning (they had cloned some grapes). We had such a wonderful time sitting on the back patio, watching them tend the vineyards and soaking up all the sunshine.


We rounded out the day with a walk around Solvang, a Danish themed town. They had some really neat shops and very cute climate. In an odd turn of events, we decided to go to a different town for dinner at…wait for it…Olive Garden. I know, I know, but we had gift cards.