My Agriculture
There on your plate--the corn and porkchop and potatoes...
That's my agriculture.
There on your back, the shirt made from cotton dyed into a brilliant color...
That's my agriculture.
That medicine you take and the perfume you wear and the lipstick you put on...
That's my agriculture.
The brilliant sunset over a field of wheat...
That's my agriculture.
Calloused hands, dirty clothes, and a gentle touch...
That's my agriculture.
Cows, sows, and plows with drones and tractors and technology in there too...
That's my agriculture.
My agriculture is men and women filled with a love for the land and a love for livestock.
It is passion and love mixed with heartache and frustration. It is hard but worth it. My agriculture is the birth of calf and also the loss of a lamb. It is floods and droughts, cold and hot, feast and famine.
It is a 24/7 job filled with dedication, responsibility and lots of hope with no guarantee.
My agriculture is in the barns, the fields, the forests and beyond.
It provides food, clothes, jobs, and more.
My agriculture is your agriculture.
Celebrate it, appreciate it, and get to know it.
My agriculture isn't perfect and is often misunderstood. But in the midst of manure and dirt and long hours and sleepless nights is something truly special--people with a passion.
Agriculture is everywhere, and you don't have to be a farmer to be involved or to celebrate it. Look no farther than your fork and your shirt.
There you will find my agriculture. And there, you will find me.